Internet marketing success is drooled over by many, dabbled in by fewer, worked hard at by even fewer, and internet marketing success is achieved by very few - probably less than one half of one percent of everyone who tries out internet marketing.

Why$%: What if there were one secret to internet marketing success, one secret that unilaterally defined whether or not you could become an internet marketing success story, one secret that makes all the difference$%:

I think that there is. You see, in all of my life, I have been successful at many things, in the offline world. But as soon as I was making $3000 - $4000 per week consistently, I would get bored, and quit whatever I was doing. My bills were paid and the beach was beckoning. I felt that I could afford to do that. And I always knew that when I ran out of money, I could always start something else.

Few instances

But when I started online it was different. You see, my goal online is to become wealthy, but not just wealthy. I want to be able to be wealthy without working 40 hours a week. So one of my goals is the automation of everything I do.

But what am I getting at$%: With internet marketing for me, the secret to my success in internet marketing has been that I am determined, no matter what, to succeed. There you have it. And I believe that is the all time secret to internet marketing success for everyone.

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